Tuesday, May 21, 2013

BBQ Pizza

Who doesn't love pizza?  My husband and I have been pizza patrons for many years and after trying so many different variations we finally decided to start trying to recreate some of these wonderful combinations here at home.  Our favorite type of pizza is a thin cracker crust, wood fired, and topped with simple fresh ingredients.  However, we do not have a wood burning pizza oven, but have learned to substitute with our gas burning grill. (it works great!)  The combinations for pizza are really endless.  This weekend we experimented with 3 different combinations:

                                                                  Pizza Margherita

   Prosciutto and fresh veggie pizza

                                                                  BBQ Chicken pizza

Here's how you do it:

1.  On a floured work surface roll out and hand stretch the dough into a thin semi-round shape. (I used store bought dough, but if you have a great homemade recipe that works too).   The dough should be room temperature as it will retract it's size as it cools. 

2.  Heat your gas grill to the med/high setting, using all burners, around 500 degrees F.  Brush dough with olive oil and place directly onto the hot grill.  Watching closely, and only flipping the dough one time when it starts to bubble up in places.  This process happens pretty fast so keep a close eye.

3.  Once the dough is just cooked, remove from the grill and place onto an oiled sheet pan.  Decorate with your favorite toppings.  This is the fun part, you can be a pizza purist or be adventurous with whatever flavor combinations you can dream up.  Here are the ingredients we chose.

Pizza Margherita:

  • Fresh basil
  • 1 roma tomato 
  • fresh mozzarella
  • minced garlic lightly cooked in olive oil
  • Olive oil  (brushed directly onto the pizza crust)

Prosciutto and fresh veggie pizza:

  •  fresh basil
  • diced cooked prosciutto
  • sliced red onions and garlic cooked in olive oil
  • 1 diced roma tomato
  • fresh mozzarella
  • 2 tablespoons of store bought tomato sauce

BBQ Chicken pizza:

  • diced grilled bbq chicken (about 2 ounces)
  • minced garlic lightly cooked in olive oil
  • sliced red onions
  • sliced black olives
  • fresh mozzarella
  • 1 diced roma tomato
  • diced green onions
  • fresh basil
  • fresh cilantro
  • bbq sauce (brushed onto the pizza crust as it's base)
4.  After the pizza is dressed with toppings, return the pizza to the hot grill (leaving it on the sheet pan).  it's important to leave it on the sheet pan, otherwise you will risk burning the bottom of your pizza. Watch closely and remove the pizza when your toppings are heated through and the cheese has melted.  Yum Yum...

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